One Brownie, Two Cakes, and Invaluable News!

I am delighted to share great news with you! I will be developing recipes for as one of their contributing food bloggers! My recipes (along with my photos and text) will be part of the Today's Dish section of their website where bloggers like myself share new recipes daily, which usually include step-by-step photos.

It's been only three months since I started this blog so you can imagine how overwhelmed with happiness I am with the big news!  It has been a challenge to keep this Blog going and doing this work for Betty Crocker, all while I stay home with my two young children, but I have been doing the best I can with the little time I have!

Today I just realized that a few of the first recipes I created for them are already on-line. Although the full article on them will only go live next month, I could not wait to share the big news with you guys! 

I have to say that I loved how these first recipes turned out and I hope you try them!

Tiramisu Cake

This Tiramisu Cake is a twist on the classic Italian dessert. I adore Tiramisu and this cake has become a favorite at my house! And guess what? It is much easier to put together that the traditional version, and it tastes awesome!

To get the full recipe go to


Salted Dulce de Leche Swirl Brownie

Another delicious recipe I developed for them was a Salted Dulce de Leche Swirl Brownie inspired by chocolate covered salted caramel candies.

This turned out to be a heavenly mix of sweet and salty! Also, the dark chocolate brownie and the dark chocolate topping balanced the sweetness of the dulce de leche. This tasted even better after kept for a couple of days inside the refrigerator!!

Follow this link to to get the full recipe.


Cool Coconut Cake

This lovely coconut cake, a tradition in Brazil, is served chilled and wrapped - perfect for birthday parties, picnic, and for adding a special treat to a lunch box! 

A super moist coconut delight!!

Here is how I wrapped mine:

Click here  to see the recipe on


Just want to remind you that for now all you will see on the are the full recipes. Next month those same recipes will be accompanied by an article and step-by-step* photos!

*not all recipes will include step-by-step photos


  1. Very cool - and tasty looking recipes :) Congratulations!

    Can I ask... how did you find out about this opportunity?

  2. SnoWhite, thank you so much for your note!! I was contacted by General Mills. I am not sure about whether or not you can apply for a similar opportunity...

  3. Congrats! Sounds like a great occasion!

  4. Hooray!! Congrats, Paula! All 3 look amazing... Miss you guys!

    1. I am so excited, Jackie! Thanks for everything! I miss you all!

  5. So happy for you Paula! That's what I call making the most out of "staying home!" I know Dre is very proud. I love reading your blog.

    Happy creating,

    1. Thank you so much, Stephanie! I love doing this and can't wait to devote more and more time to it!


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