Roasted Red Bell Pepper, Fresh Mozzarella, and Basil Roll Ups

This a vibrant and flavorful appetizer (or side dish) that is a great alternative to the beloved Caprese salad (tomato, fresh mozzarella and basil).

If you have roasted bell peppers in your freezer, you can make this roll ups very quickly - How to Roast and Freeze Red Bell Peppers

Roasted Red Bell Pepper, Mozzarella, and Basil Roll Ups

Defrost the red bell peppers by placing them (inside the freezer bag) in a bowl filled with hot water. After 15 minutes they should be ready to use.

Slice each bell pepper into 3 or 4 long strips and pat them dry with a paper towel.

Season each strip with salt and pepper.

And drizzle them with a very good quality olive oil.

Place a thin slice of fresh mozzarella over each strip of bell pepper. Make sure to slice the cheese as thin as possible - that will make rolling the peppers much easier.

Top it with a fresh basil leaf.

And gently roll it.

Keep it all together with the help of a mini skewer or a toothpick.

Serve as an appetizer or side dish.

A drizzle of balsamic vinegar reduction would be a great compliment!


  1. Haven't made them yet, but I just learned that they could be frozen, love it!


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