Fovorite Lobster

My lovely husband brought home some Brazilian lobster tails last weekend! We actually wanted to eat that for our wedding anniversary, but since that was on January 1st and all the major stores were closed, we could not have it then. It was nice of him to give the lobster another chance!

There is one thing I know I am NOT allowed to do with my husband's lobster: to cook it in any different way then this that I will present to you today. It's a norm. He believes that lobsters are so flavorful and sweet that too much dressing up could overpower the best of it. Although it irritates me that I can't try out other recipes, I could not agree with him more. So that is what we had, once again, the simple lobster coated on oils, garlic and herbs. And it was fabulous as always!

You can serve this lobster with a lemony risotto, pasta, potatoes, bread, asparagus....pretty much anything!!

Favorite Lobster


1/4 cup olive oil
3 tbs melted butter
Freshly squeezed lemon juice from 1/2 lemon
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs (I used Rosemary today. A combination of parsley and chives goes really well here)
4 lobster tails, boiled and deshelled
salt to taste
freshly grounded black pepper

Pinch red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper


Mix together olive oil, butter, lemon juice, garlic, herbs, salt, black and red pepper and set aside.

Boil the lobster tails for about 10 minutes until they are curled up and their shells turn pink in color. Remove the tails from the boiling water and allow them to cool enough to handle. With the help of shellfish scissors deshell the lobster tails. Coat the lobster with the prepared sauce and serve (for extra flavor wait the cooked lobster to marinate on that sauce for at least 30 minutes before eating).
