Brigadeiro - Brazilian Truffle

Brazilian Brigadeiro rolled on colored sprinkles - perfect kids birthday party treat

This fudgy chocolate ball that melts in your mouth is a staple at Brazilian birthday parties.  I have not met one Brazilian person that does not love brigadeiro. Make it and I promise you will fall in love too! Or, at least, the kids in your family will.


1 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon of unsalted butter
2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
6 oz of sprinkles of your choice*
30 small paper candy cups


Put condensed milk, butter, and cocoa powder in a heavy bottomed pan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for about 12 minutes until the brigadeiro thickens and starts to pull away from the sides and bottom of the pan.

Pour the mixture in a lightly greased plate. Set aside until it is completely cooled (if you need a shortcut, put the plate in the refrigerator or freezer until it cools).

Brigadeiro ready to be rolled

When the brigadeiro is cooled, get ready to roll it into small balls. You want all the balls to be about the same size, so use a small scoop or a measuring spoon to guide you. Before you start rolling the truffles,  place the sprinkles of choice in a separate plate, and open the paper candy cups and place them in a flat serving dish.  Grease your hands lightly with butter or cooking spray. Now spoon a small amount of the mixture in the palm of your hands and roll it until it forms a smooth ball. Roll it in the sprinkles making sure the entire surface of the brigadeiro is coated. Place it in the paper cup and serve!

*The traditional brigadeiro is made with milk or dark chocolate sprinkles. But there is no reason why you can't get creative and use different kinds of sprinkles. You can even coat them with nuts, coconut, powdered cocoa etc. Have fun with it!

Brigadeiro served at my daughter's birthday party


  1. This was so easy to make and delicious! I used Hershey's special dark since that's what I had. I think next time I will add a little more cocoa, but nevertheless, I highly recommend this treat!


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